
当前位置: 威尼斯人娱乐场  English  Students Cultivation  Undergraduate facade
Undergraduate facade  


        The students of SPT joined the different activities and gained the excellent achievements including “2008 the first scholarship of academic debate competition”, “2008 the fifth scholarship of SIT Track Meet”, “the first scholarship of push-and-pull competition”, “2010 the first scholarship and the third scholarship of the class story”.  

      In order to accelerate the development of the students’ applicable and occupational ability, SPT organizes students to join in the social and practical activity annually. The students are required to find one employer to practice with the recommendation of the teachers or by themselves every year. One appraisal report and practice summary is handed over after the end of practice. SPT organizes the students to build up “The Academician Science and Technology Practice Group”. In recent five years, SPT has won 32 items of group social practice prize.