
当前位置: 威尼斯人娱乐场  English  Students Cultivation  Atmosphere construction
Atmosphere construction  

  SPA pays more attention on the compulsory courses. Each teacher is the first responsible person to the course and the students are encouraged to be more active in the education, management. The compulsory courses provide fundamental knowledge for other major courses. SPT emphasizes on method of the terminal control and middle promotion, also on the method of multi-communication of teaching, learning and inducting in the education cultivation. For example, SPT persists in the rule of the morning reciting and evening study, develops learning method in pairs, emphasizes on party construction, promotes educational atmosphere, exerts vanguard and exemplary role of activists and party member and so on. Recent years, the excellent educational atmosphere and achievement have been obtained.    

In 2006 class 03108212 and in 2007 class 04108212 were appraised as Shanghai advanced collectives. The representative team of 05 grade has won the second prize and the third prize of Shanghai Mathematical Modeling Contest. In addition, many students obtained awards during the scientific contests.