
Fermentation Engineering
发布时间: 2011-05-16 浏览次数: 99

The 2009 Training Programme for Bioengineering                                        
Fermentation Engineering  
Classification Course Code Main Courses Coures  Examination Credit Hours distribution Terms School Assignments  Starting Departments Remark
Theory of Teaching In-class Practices  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Basic Public Courses  B121011 * ideological and ethical attainments and law basis  3 32 (16)   3*16             21  
B121010 * Basic Theory of Marxism 3 32 (16)         3*16       21  
B121012 * Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Representatives" important thought () 3 32 (16)     3*16           21  
B121013 * Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Representatives" important thought () 3 32 (16)       3*16         21  
B121014   Outline of Chinese Contemporary History 2 24 (8)   3*10/2*1               21  
    Situation and Policy   (2)                        
    Frontiers of Bioengineering and Career Navigator   1                     8  
B11101D1 * English 1A 2 32   2*16               11  
B11101E1 * English 1B 2 32   2*16               11  
B11101D2 * English 2A 2 32     2*16             11  
B11101E2 * English 2B 2 32     2*16             11  
B11101D3 * English 3A 2 32       2*16           11  
B11101E3 * English 3B 2 32       2*16           11  
B11101D4 * English 4A 2 32         2*16         11  
B11101E4 * English 4B 2 32         2*16         11  
B11105A1 * English 5 2 32           2*16       11  
B123001   Physical Education 1   1 32   2*16               23  
B123002   Physical Education 2   1 32     2*16             23  
B123003   Physical Education 3   1 32       2*16           23  
B123004   Physical Education 4   1 32         2*16         23  
B122011 * Advanced Mathematics 1 5.5 88   6*8/5*8               22  
B122012 * Advanced Mathematics 2 5.5 88     6*8/5*8             22  
B122004   College Physics A1 3 48     4*10/2*4             22  
B122005   College Physics A2 3 48       4*10/2*4           22  
B122015   Experiment of College Physics   1.5   48     3*16           22  
B104009   Basis of Computer   3 32 (24) 3*8/4*8               4  
B1040021   Basis of Program DesignC 3 32 24   4*12/2*4             4  
B104017   Computer Networks   2 32           2*16       4  
B1100011   Business Management   2 32         2*16         10  
Subtotal   65.5 968 72                    
Optional Courses  G109001   Art Conspectus   2 30           3*10       21  
G101001   Modern Sci-Tech Conspectus and Intellectual Property    2 30             3*10     8  
The remaining courses according to the provisions                             
Subtotal   10 160                      
Basic Public Courses II B2220034   Linear Algebra A   2 32         2*16         22  
B2220073   Probability Ttheory and Mathematical Statistics   3 48           3*16       22  
B207007 * Inorganic Chemistry B 3 48   3*16               7  
B207008   Experiment of Inorganic Chemistry B   1   32 2*1/3*10               7  
B207009   Analytical Chemistry B 3 48       3*16           7  
B207010   Experiment of Analytical Chemistry B   1.5   48     4*12           7  
B207054 * Organic Chemistry B 5 80     5*16             7  
B207055   Experiment of Organic Chemistry B   1.5   48   4*12             7  
B207078   Physical Chemistry B 5 80         5*16         7  
B207079   Experiment of Physical Chemistry B   1.5   48       4*12         7  
B207091 * The Principle of Chemical Engineering A1 3.5 56           4*8/3*8       7  
B207092 * The Principle of Chemical Engineering A2 3 48             3*16     7  
B202034   Engineering Drawing(including CAD) 3.5 56 8           4*16     2  
B2030015   Electrotechnician B 3.5 56 8           4*16     3  
Subtotal   40 552 192                    
Basic course subjects B208401A   Biology 2.5 40     0*2/3*12/2*2               8  
B208303   Experiment of Biochemistry   1 0 24       0*5/4*6           8  
B208310   Experiment of Microbiology   1 0 28         0*5/4*7         8  
B208312 * Biochemistry 4 68         5*4/4*12           8  
B208313 * Microbiology 3 52           0*3/4*13         8
B208402   Gene Engineering 2 32             2*16       8
B208403   Sci-Tech Document Retrieval   1 16               0*8/2*8     8  
B208404   Specified English   1 16             2*8       8  
Subtotal   15.5 224 52                    
Specialized Courses(Compulsory) B308324   Application of Computer in Bioengineering   1.5 24             2*12     8  
B308313 * Bioengineering Equipment 3 48               6*8   8  
B308404 * Bioseparation Engineering 2.5 40                   8  
B308405 * Fermentation Engineering 3 48             3*16     8  
Subtotal 10 160                      
Specialized Courses (Optional) must be in the same group
Specialized Courses (Optional I) B408327   Perfumery Technology for Food   1.5 24             2*12     8  
B408210A   Flavor Chemistry   1.5 24           2*12       8  
B408204   Conspectus of Food Technology   1.5 24               3*8   8  
B4082053   Spice and Biotechnology   1.5 24               3*8   8  
B408412   Brewing Technology   1.5 24                 0*2/4*6   8  
B408413   Modern Technology of Food Fermentation   1.5 20 8           4*7     8  
B408414   Enzyme Engineering   1.5 24               4*6   8  
B408416   Fermentation Analysis   1.5 20 8           0*8/4*7     8  
Subtotal(5)   7.5 120                      
Practice Teaching B627001   Military Training   1       2 weeks                
B6210011   Military Theory   (2)       (2 weeks)                
B624009   Practice Training of Engineering     3     3 weeks                  
B704017   Computer Networking Practice   1 (24)           (24)          
B7083041   Cognition Practice in Companies   2       2 weeks                
B707082   Experiments of the Principles of Chemical Engineering A1   1             1 week          
B707083   Experiments of the Principles of Chemical Engineering A2   1               1 week        
B708401   Comprehensive Experiments of Biochemistry   2         2 weeks              
B708402   Comprehensive Experiments of Microbiology   2           2 weeks            
B708404   Comprehensive Experiments of Bioengineering Equipments   1                 1 week      
B708414   Experiments of Gene Engineering   1             1.5 weeks          
B708416   Experiments of Bioseparation Engineering   1                 1 week      
B708417   Experiments of Fermentation Engineering   2               2 weeks        
B708411   Course Design for Bioengineering Equipments   1                 1 week      
B708306   Graduation Field Work   2                 2 weeks      
B708307   Graduation Thesis   18                   18 weeks    
Subtotal  39.5                        
Total all the way 188 2184 316 28 32 31 30 23 27 16