
Major of Light Chemical Engneering (Cosmetics direction)
发布时间: 2011-05-16 浏览次数: 56
      Major of Light Chemical Engneering 2010 talent cultivation plan Cosmetics direction    
category Course Code main course Course Name exam credit period distribution distribution  of each semester academy remark
theory practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
basic general courses B121011 * Outline of Moral Traning and Outline of The Essential law 3 32 (16)   3*16             21  
B121010 * The Basic  Principle of Marxism Philosophy 3 32 (16)         3*16       21  
B121012 * The conception of Maozedong's thoughts The outline of Dengxiaoping's theory and" The Three Represents" important thought(1) 3 32 (16)     3*16           21  
B121013 * The conception of Maozedong's thoughts The outline of Dengxiaoping's theory and" The Three Represents" important thought(2) 3 32 (16)       3*16         21  
B121014   Outline of Mordern Chinese History 2 24 (8) 3*10/2*1               21  
    Situation and Policy   (2)                        
    Specialized Subject Knowledge and Professional Navigation Frontier of The Light of Engineering   1                   2*8    
B11101D1 * College English 1A 2 32   2*16               11  
B11101E1 * College English 1B 2 32   2*16               11  
B11101D2 * College English 2A 2 32     2*16             11  
B11101E2 * College English 2B 2 32     2*16             11  
B11101D3 * College English 3A 2 32       2*16           11  
B11101E3 * College English 3B 2 32       2*16           11  
B11101D4 * College English 4A 2 32         2*16         11  
B11101E4 * College English 4B 2 32         2*16         11  
B11105A1 * College English 5 2 32           2*16       11  
B123001   Physical Education 1   1 32   2*16               23  
B123002   Physical Education 2   1 32     2*16             23  
B123003   Physical Education 3   1 32       2*16           23  
B123004   Physical Education 4   1 32         2*16         23  
B122011 * Higher Mathematics(Engineering course)1 5.5 88   6*8/5*8               22  
B122012 * Higher Mathematics(engineering course)2 5.5 88     6*8/5*8             22  
B122004   College physics A1 3 48     4*10/2*4             22  
B122005   College physics A2 3 48       4*10/2*4           22  
B122015   Physics Experiment   1.5   48     3*16           22  
B104009   Basis of Computer Engineering   3 32 (24) 3*8/4*8               4  
B1040021   Computer Program Design Language (C) 3 32 24   4*12/2*4             4  
B104016   Information Systems and Database Technology   2 32           2*16       4  
B1100011   Enterprise Management   2 32           2*16       10  
subtotal   65.5 968 72                    
general optional course G109001   Introduction to Art   2 30           3*10       21  
G101001   Modern Science and Technology Theory Intellectual Property   2 30             3*10        
the rest according to the provisions                             
subtotal   10 160                      
Subject categories of course B2220034   Linear Algebra A   2 32         2*16         22  
B2220073   Probability and Statistics   3 48       3*16           22  
B207007   Inorganic Chemistry B 3 48   3*16               7  
B207008   Experiment of Inorganic Chemistry  B   1   32 2*1/3*10               7  
B207009   Analytical Chemistry B 3 48       3*16           7  
B207010   Experiment of Analytical Chemistry  B   1.5   48     4*12           7  
B207051   Organic Chemistry A1 3.5 56     4*8/3*8             7  
B207052   Experiment of Organic Chemistry  A2 3 48       3*16           7  
B207053   Experiment of Organic Chemistry  A   2   64     4*16           7  
  B207078   Physical Chemistry B 5 80         5*16         7  
B207079   Experimen of Physical Chemistry   B   1.5   48       4*12         7  
B207093   Principles of Chemical Engineering B 4 64           4*16       7  
B202034   Chemical Engineering Drawings(IncludingCAD) 3.5 56 8   4*16             2  
B2030015   Electrical Engineering B 3.5 56 8       4*16         3  
subtotal   42 576 208                    
Discipline specialized courses B208211A   English for Perfume & Flavor 2 32 0           2*16     8  
B208219 * Cosmetics Analysis 2 16 32           3*8/4*8     8  
  * Principles of Cosmetics 2 32           2*16         8  
B208217 * Colloid and Interface Chemistry 2.5 32 16           4*12       8  
B208218   Light Chemical Engineering Foundation 1 24 0         2*12         8 *
B407284   Science and Technology Information Retrieval   1.5 24 0             2*12   8  
subtotal   11.0 144 48                    
specialized courses(required) B308223 * Cosmetic Materials 1.5 24           2*12       8  
B308227   Skin Surgery and Cosmetology    1.5 24 0         2*12       8  
B308211 * Cosmetic Technology 3 48 0           3*16     8  
    Cosmetic Evaluation Methodology 2.5 32 16             3*8/4*4   8  
    Cosmetic Microbiology   2.5 32 16           4*12        
    Synthesis of Surfactants 1.5 24 0             2*12   8  
subtotal 12.5 184 32                 8  
elective course     Industrial Application of Surfactants   1.5 24 0             2*12      
B4082061   Brief Introduction to Marketing   1.5 24 0           2*12     8
    Introduction to Fragrance   1.5 24 0             2*12   8  
B308222   Computer Application in Light Chemical Engineering Professional   1.5 24 0             2*12      
    Natural Product Studies   1.5 24               2*12      
    Green Chemistry   1.5 24 0             2*12   8  
    Herbal Cosmeticology   1.5 24                      
B408239   Nanotechnology and Applications   1.5 24 0           2*12     8  
subtotal((choose 5 in 8))   6 96 0                    
practice B6210011   Military Theory   (2) 0 0     2(week)              
B627001   Military Training   1 0 0     2(week)              
B624009   Engineering Training   3 0 0 3(week)               24  
B704016   Information System and Database Technology Practical   1 0 (24)         (24)       4  
B7082081   Practice internship   2 0 0    2(week)             8  
B708218   Professional Training (Cosmetics)   2 0 0     3(week)           8  
B708408   Practice    2 0 0        2(week)         8  
B707084   Experiment in Principles of Chemical Engineering B   1 0 0          1(week)       7  
B708216A   Preparation of Cosmetics Experiment   1 0 0            1(week)     8  
B708227   Experiment for Preparing Technolgy( Perfumery)   2 0 0             2(week)   8  
    Preparation of Detergent Experiment                     2(week)   8  
    Cosmetics Comprehensive Experiment   2 0 0             2(week)     8  
B707085   Design of Unit Operations B   1 0 0          1(week)       7  
B708306   Graduation Practice    2 0 0             2(week)   8  
B708307   Graduation Design (thesis)   18 0 0               18(week) 8  
subtotal 43       191.5                
Total 190 2128 376 29 27 33 28 26 26 26 22    
Notice(1)specialized course (optional) can have N groups
 (2) The sequence of the Practice teachingPublic foundation practicePracticeSpecialty PracticeIndependent design experimentsCourse DesignGraduation Practice GraduationDesign (thesis)
3Remark column with "*",show that the course or practice finished by enterprises or industry experts
4Remark column mark "* *", show that  the course or practice finished in part by the enterprise or industry experts
 (5)Remark column mark“show that the course is “Bilingual teaching”
 (6)According to this professional requirement, the discipline specialized courses and mark "within the backbone course" and "test" course, has marked "test" of course not to "test" course
7The course of “Specialized subject knowledge and professional navigation frontier” By each faculty(department) appoint special teachers entry  in the eighth semester