
Food processing and technology
发布时间: 2011-05-16 浏览次数: 77

      Food Science and Engineering     (Food processing and technology)   The training programme of 2010                  
classification Course code Main Courses Course name   examination credit Hours distribution Terms school assignments                Starting Departments remark
Theory of teaching in-class practices  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8    
Public courses  B121011 * Ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis 3.0 32 (16)     3*16                
B121010 * Basic tenets of Marxism 3.0 32 (16)           3*16          
B121012 * An Summary of Mao's Thought,Deng's Theory and the Important Thought of Three Represents (first) 3.0 32 (16)       3*16              
B121013 * An Summary of Mao's Thought,Deng's Theory and the Important Thought of Three Represents (next) 3.0 32 (16)         3*16            
B121014   Chinese Modern History 2.0 24 (8) 3*10/2*1                  
    Situation and policy    (2)                        
B117004   Advanced knowledge of disciplines and professional navigation    1.0 16 0               2*8    
B11101D1 * College English 1A 2.0 32 0 2*16                  
B11101E1 * College English 1B 2.0 32 0 2*16                  
B11101D2 * College English 2A 2.0 32 0   2*16                
B11101E2 * College English 2B 2.0 32 0   2*16                
B11101D3 * College English 3A 2.0 32 0     2*16              
B11101E3 * College English 3B 2.0 32 0     2*16              
B11101D4 * College English 4A 2.0 32 0       2*16            
B11101E4 * College English 4B 2.0 32 0       2*16            
B11105A1 * College English 5 2.0 32 0         2*16          
B123001   Sports 1   1.0 32 0   2*16                  
B123002   Sports 2   1.0 32 0     2*16                
B123003   Sports 3   1.0 32 0       2*16              
B123004   Sports 4   1.0 32 0         2*16            
B122011 * Advanced mathematics (Engineering)1 5.5 88 0 6*8/5*8                  
B122012 * Advanced mathematics (Engineering)2 5.5 88 0     6*8/5*8                
B122004   collage Physics A1 3.0 48 0     4*10/2*4                
B122005   collage Physics A2 3.0 48 0       4*10/2*4              
B122015   collage Physics experiment    1.5 0 48       3*16              
B104009   Basic computer    3 32 (24) 3*8/4*8                  
B1040021   Program design Foundation (C) 3 32 24       4*12/2*4              
B104017   Computer network   2 32           2*16          
B1100011   Business management   2 32 0           2*16          
小计       65.5 968 72                    
Selected courses  G109001   An introduction to art    2 30 0           3*10          
G101001   An introduction to modern science and technology and intellectual property    2 30 0             3*10     8  
The remaining courses according to the provisions                             
Subtotal 10.0 160                      
Subject courses  B2220034   Linear algebra A   2.0 32 0         2*16            
B2220073   Probability theory and mathematical statistics    3.0 48 0       3*16              
B207007 * Inorganic chemistry B 3.0 48 0   3*16                  
B207008   Experiment  of Inorganic chemistryB   1.0 0 32 2*1/3*10                  
B207009 * Analytical chemistryB 3.0 48 0       3*16              
B207010   Experiment  of  Analytical chemistryB   1.5 0 48       4*12              
B207054 * Organic chemistryB 5.0 80 0     5*16                
B207055   Experiment  of Organic chemistryB   1.5 0 48     4*12                
B207078 * Physical chemistry B 5.0 80 0         5*16            
B207079   Experiment  of Physical chemistry B   1.5 0 48         4*12            
B202034   Chemical engineering drawing (含CAD) 3.5 56 8           4*16          
B202012   Mechanical design Foundation  3.5 52 4.0        4*12 /2*4            
Subtotal        34.5 448 188                    
Basic course subjects B208302 * Biochemistry  3.5 56 0       4*13/2*2         8  
B208303A   Experiment  of Biochemistry    0.5 0 24       0*10/4*6         8  
B208306 * Food Engineering  4.0 64 0         4*16         8  
B2083073 * Food Chemistry 2.5 40 0         4*5/2*10       8  
B208310   Experiment  of  Microbiology    1.0 0 28         0*9/4*7       8  
B208311 * Food safety and quality control 2.0 32 0             4*8   8 **
B208313 * Microbiology  3.0 52 0         0*3/4*13       8  
B208318   Food analysis and experiment 2.0 24 32         4*8/4*8       8  
B208320 * Food nutrition  2.0 40 0             4*10   8 #
Subtotal    20.5 308 84                    
Specialized compulsory Courses  B308317 * Food processing principles (Food technology 1) 1.0 16 0         2*8       8  
B308319 * Dairy technology (Food technology 3) 2.0 28 4             2*14/4*1     8 **
B308320 * Bakery and food technology (Food technology 4) 1.0 16 8             2*8/4*2     8 *
B308323 * Food machinery and equipment  1.5 24 0           2*12       8  
B308308 * Application of Food additive  1.5 24 0            2*12     8  
B408333   Food plant design   1.5 24 0            2*12     8  
B308325   Food science and engineering in computer application    1 16               4*4   8  
Subtotal  9.5 148 12                    
Courses (elective) you must select 1 group 
Specialized courses (Selected course II) B3083181   soft drink technology (food technology Ⅱ)   1.5 24 0           2*12     8  
B308321   Agricultural products processing technology (food technology Ⅲ)   1.5 24 0            2*12     8  
B408332   candy and chocolate processing technology (food technology Ⅵ)   1.5 24 0           2*12     8  
B408326   Food physicical properties   1.5 24 0             4*6   8  
B408210A   flavor chemistry   1.5 24 0           0*3/2*12     8  
    food logistics and marketing   1.5 24 0           2*12     8  
B408318   mordern gastrology   1.5 24 0             0*2/4*6   8  
B408327   food flavor blending    1.5 24 0             4*6   8  
    food enzymology   1.5 24 0             0*2/4*6   8  
    Subtotal   7.5 120                      
Practice Teaching B6210011   Military theory    (2)          ( 2 week)              
B627001   Military training    1.0           2 week              
B704017   Computer Network Practice   1             (24)          
B708317   Document retrieval and seminars   1           1 week            
B708328   Practice of food machinery and equipment   1             1 week          
B624009   Engineering training    3     3week                  
B7083041   Business practice knowledge   2       2week             8  
B708217   Food Preservation comprehensive experiment   1               1week     8  
B708303B   Integrated Principles of Food Engineering Experiment   1           1week         8  
B708308   Food quality control comprehensive experiment   2                 2week   8  
B708309   Food sensory evaluation experiment   2         2week           8  
B708319   Food chemistry comprehensive experiment    1             1week       8  
B708327   Food additives application comprehensive experiment    1               1week     8  
B708315   food technology comprehensive experiment   2               2week     8  
B708303A   Food Engineering Principles of Course Design   1           1week         8  
B708306   Graduation Practice    2.0                 2week   8  
B708307   Graduation Design (paper)   25.0                 7week 18week 8  
Subtotal  46.0                        
Total all the way ##### 2152 356 25 29 25 26 24 23 24 18